Education of Seibudai Chiba
A Global Perspective

The strength of career development
Seibudai Chiba Junior High School and Senior High School is striving to achieve greater things as we enter our 38th year of high school and 32nd year of junior high school. From among more than 10,000 graduates, we have produced many significant individuals. With a tradition of “cheerful greetings” and “good manners” we promote educational activities based on a curriculum that “enhances the intelligence of youth, cultivates good manners and develops strong character and body” These are the roots of our school’s culture.
As part of our educational policy, Seibudai Chiba’s goal is to develop capable students using the three main pillars of “learning activities”, “club activities” and “experience activities (education).” These activities are represented in the initials of Seibudai Chiba High School’s emblem which reminds us to do our best to “be polite”, “consider the feelings of others” and “strive to improve and strengthen ourselves to better serve others”.
In addition to providing guidance for admission to national universities and high-level private universities, Seibudai-Chiba offers a “Teacher Training Project,” “Medical Project” and “ICT Future Creation Project.” These activities are designed to help students to realize their future goals to become teachers, medical professionals and information creators through training, volunteer activities, field experience and exam guidance.
Specifically, for this fiscal year we are developing educational activities with the following “priority goals”
- As an integrated junior and senior high school, we aim to develop high-quality academic skills through active-learning and supplementary classes.
- Promote ability and aptitude.
- Improve teaching ability by refining teachers’ skills.
- Expand club activities according to students’ needs and enhance departmental activities.
- Improve career education and guidance.
- International understanding and exchange activities that relate to our global society.
- Create a safe and secure educational environment.
- Enhance collaboration with the parents and the community.
In a rapidly changing world, I would like to steadily improve our school with the goal of developing well-balanced individuals who can progress in their careers as circumstances in our global society require.
Educational Goals
Our goal is to develop a student’s mind and body, polish intellect, improve morality, cultivate the ability to adapt to a changing society and create a strong educated individual capable of promoting social justice and peace. We foster students who can take care of themselves and live a happy life, but who can also help make the world a better place
We aim to develop a balanced human being using the three pillars of “Learning Activities”, “Department Activities” and “Experience Activities (culture)”. These activities are represented in the initials of Seibudai Chiba High School’s emblem which reminds us to do our best to “be polite”, “consider the feelings of others” and “strive to improve and strengthen ourselves to better serve others”.
Target Priority
- As an integrated junior high school and senior high school, we can pro-actively help students develop high-level academic ability using pre-emptive learning supplementary classes.
Development of positive learning patterns according to individual competence and aptitude.
Improvement of teaching ability through the mutual refinement of teachers.
Development and improvement of departmental activities according on students’ needs.
Improve career education and provide detailed career guidance.
Provide International exchange activities to promote international education and understanding in a global society.
Create a safe and secure educational environment.
Enrich cooperation with parents and the community.